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Options with TSP should be weighed against risk tolerance.

At retirement, individuals with a Federal Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) have several options to consider for managing their funds. The TSP is a retirement savings and investment plan available to federal employees, including members of the military. Here are some options for handling a TSP at retirement:

  1. Leave the funds in the TSP: Retirees can choose to keep their funds within the TSP. This allows for continued tax-deferred growth and access to the low-cost investment options offered by the plan. However, there are limitations on withdrawals and potential restrictions on investment flexibility.
  2. Transfer to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA): Retirees can roll over their TSP funds into a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA. This provides more investment choices and potentially greater control over the funds. However, it’s essential to consider the tax implications and potential fees associated with an IRA.
  3. Take a lump-sum distribution: Another option is to withdraw the entire TSP balance as a lump sum. However, this option may result in significant tax consequences, as the entire amount withdrawn is generally taxable in the year of withdrawal. It’s crucial to evaluate the impact on taxes and long-term financial goals before choosing this option.
  4. Purchase an annuity: Retirees can use their TSP funds to buy an annuity, which provides a guaranteed income stream for a specific period or for life. An annuity can offer a sense of security, ensuring a regular income throughout retirement. However, it’s essential to research and understand the terms, fees, and potential limitations of the annuity before making a decision.
  5. Combine multiple options: Retirees can mix and match the above options. For example, they could transfer a portion of their TSP funds into an IRA for more investment flexibility while leaving the rest in the TSP for its low-cost options.

It’s crucial for retirees to carefully assess their financial situation, future goals, tax implications, and risk tolerance before choosing the best course of action for their TSP funds. Seeking guidance from financial advisors or retirement planning professionals can provide valuable insights and help make an informed decision tailored to individual needs.

Complete the Federal Employee Assessment to learn more about your retirement options.